Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Positively Tuesday- Getting Tougher


  Me that is. I'm getting tougher, stronger than I was a week ago when I felt so much weight. Tuesday was awful- the day I felt sucker punched by my job after 30+ months of working short staffed and additional relentless demands on my time. DH losing his friend just continued the tough week. But, dwelling on the work negativity wasn't helping anyone, least of all DH or myself. I tried to think about how I could help people, help with different situations, how I could keep looking for positives, joys, simple pleasures. You know what? It helped. I found them and dug in and found more resiliency I didn't know I had. I'm not doing great, to be honest, but I'm not in a pit of despair either. 

Tuesday: I'd like to skip this day entirely, but that would defeat the purpose of these Tuesday posts. I had a nice message from a fellow supervisor showing support for my challenging work situation. It meant a lot. I was happy for another supervisor who shared she's finally fully staffed. DH left work a bit early and we had dinner together, which he said he needed. 

Wednesday: I had a successful meeting with a big boss. Then later, met friends for trivia and we placed first. The dogs were good for DH so he had a quiet evening too. I wasn't sure how the pup would do being put in the kennel at 6:40 for 45 minutes, but as that's a snooze time usually, it went well. 

Thursday: I had a couple successful meetings and made headway on a project. We finally have a Business Analyst for an IT project and she seems awesome. DH watched football upstairs with pup, so I just had to wrangle one. 

Friday: A day off! Yes, I took a couple calls and answered a few emails but for the most part enjoyed the day. I talked to DD2 for two hours.

Saturday: I met the mom friends for a walk followed by a late breakfast. It was wonderful as all five of us were able to make it. We're planning a soup meet up soon followed by a cookie making day. Val, you inspired me. I looked forward to the very cheesy Jolly Good Christmas, and it was as wonderfully predictable, unrealistic, kind Hallmark movie I've come to expect. 

Sunday: After church, we got DH's pants picked up and then joined others for brats( the German  food kind, not the naughty child kind) and a pint at the brewery. We were home before the first half of the Vikings game. A Vikings win; and later a Packers loss. It was a good Sunday. Well except for the misfortune of getting tripped up in the dog leesh and landing on left elbow and knee. I felt that on Monday and still today, though my knee always hurts anyway. 

Monday: I had the day off, trying to use some vacation hours. I got some cleaning done, but then had some time to myself. I went to city hall and voted early as it will mean less juggling next Tuesday. I found matching rugs for the dogs since they both want to be at the edge of the living room. Can you find the sleeping puppy?

     Later, DD1 came for a birthday dinner of homemade pizza. I made two, a margarita and a caramelized onion, apple, butternut squash version. Both turned out well. My neighbor and I got mail at the same time, and did the same with the political crap and put it right in recycling bin. One more week and this should be done. We had 16 Trick or Treaters and too much candy left over. 

     I'm dreading work today. But, I've got multiple short weeks in November. How was your week? Did you have more joys than frowns? If your dealing with your own personal crisis, I wish you good hope for resolution or support. 


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about work, and DH's friend. Life certainly goes through challenging seasons, doesn't it? I really had such a lovely week that it's been difficult to move on into real life. I suppose that's an amazing problem to have, but it made it hard to work yesterday.

    I'm trying to figure out how to use my time when I quit next year. I'm looking for a non-profit opportunity (volunteer) that has some tangible results, and feels motivating. Totally open to the space, so it's been fun to look around & think about options.

    We get all of our ballots by mail, so I worked on mine yesterday at lunch, & then walked it to the drop off spot. it was a gift to have that off of my plate.

    1. I had a flyer dropped off for the school board race today; woke up the puppy. It's the guy I'd never vote for, but I just said I've already voted. It's hard getting back to work after time off and wonderful time at that.

  2. Last week was a good or great week. It was the last week of October, the month I have usually been ill the whole month! So, it was great to me for that reason and generally a very pleasant week.

    1. That's good you weren't so sick. It must really be bad normally as you've shared a lot of illness this month.

    2. One time when I became ill was actually the reaction to vaccination. So, it was not the normal October illness. Some months, I have had fever almost continually and have taken antibiotics for the whole month. It got really bad for the last 30 years! Maybe I have found the right combination of otc to keep me wellish.

    3. I am sorry you can't enjoy what so often is a beautiful month.

  3. If you can swing it work-wise I think it's a great idea to use some vacation time to give yourself long weekends. Of course that only works if you then don't have twice as much work to look forward to when you go back, doesn't it. And sorry to hear about your fall - I hope you're not suffering too much!

    1. I'm trying to take more long weekends. I earn a day a pay period and with my flex time, could be taking more time. You're right though that I get backed up/ back logged.

  4. Thanks for clearing up the brats, I didn't think you were a cannibal but you never know.
    You're so good at finding positives in every situation. I'm like you, I see a silver lining to every cloud, I used to drive my workmates mad!
    Nothing to moan about here apart from the lousy weather and the idiots that run our country but I can't do anything about either so I just crack open a beer and keep smiling! xxx

    1. Just chew my own nails on occasion but no nibbling of others! I try to think about good things each day. Today was that the older dog wasn't so cranky at the pup. I will crack several beers this weekend.

  5. Jre well last week I mentioned my 15 year old granddaughter might be coming to stay with me. As I had said I was glad I was gone for a week as she had to stay with her dad, she and her mom (my daughter) made up and she’s back home. Oh the angst and worry, I knew I would with my own children but didn’t realize it happens also with the grands! Currently I have 8 grands that are teens. I pray often! So this week so far is better but I too am so worried about our country politics inflation… and the world’s situations.

    1. I remember teens with a toddler. It was rough.

  6. Something must be in the air as I am dreading going into the shop. It will be hemming all day!

    1. Work was less agonizing than I thought. I was actually productive. I bet you whizzed through your piles.

  7. Oh, gosh, Sam, I'm so sorry that your work has been so stressful! I hope you get some relief from it soon. Sending good vibes for your husband - that's so sad to lose a friend. We are stronger than we know.

    It's been an okay week for me - my husband finally got the job he's been angling for and acting in for the past year, which has been a huge relief, but I feel a bit adrift and aimless myself right now.

    1. It's so sad about his friend. So much pain for his family. I'm happy for L. That's good news. Adrift is a good word. I think it describes me as well.

  8. Hang in there, things will get better, your positive attitude to life will help you ride out this one bad week. Megan.

  9. Difficult weeks happen, and with your husband's friends death it make the week even harder. I am saddened for him, since good friends are not easy to come by.
    Glad you found your joys even if you had to look hard for them on the most difficult day,.
    Wishing you happier week!

    1. I like how you capture by day. It does help bring some brightness even if the day was a challenge.


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