Tuesday, June 26, 2018

After a Week Off-My Kid's Vlog True Compliments

Hmm, this kid of mine has me really thinking this week.Learning how to give meaningful compliments can be challenging. Accepting compliments when I am so used to not always thinking the most positive things about myself, even harder. I hope you view, reflect, comment and subscribe to her channel.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sam,

    What a thought-provoking piece. I read somewhere that women receive a compliment of sorts at least once a day, even if it's just being told that their sweater is pretty or the meal they just cooked was tasty. Men, on the other hand, can go years without a compliment of any sort.

    Your point about receiving a compliment is interesting, too. So often, we worry that, if we are too effusive in our response, people will think we are conceited. On the other hand, not acknowledging that someone has said something nice can seem rude.

    A modern minefield!


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