Sunday, March 31, 2019

Meal Planning-Not a Clue

I plugged away yesterday, got some maintenance housework done, tackled a small corner at a time at Anne's suggestion. I've been battling a lot of pain in my knee for the last couple weeks-really hurt most of the time away last weekend, so I've tried to ice it when I'm sitting doing paper type organizing. I never made it grocery shopping so will need to tonight. I had a wild rice soup mix and made that doctored up with more vegetables. I made a big loaf of garlic bread in the bread maker to go with it. After church we'll just have some scrambled eggs and pancakes, or egg McMuffins, or something we have on hand already for lunch which is quick and easy and let's us keep on with tasks. I took out some ground turkey and will make them into meatballs and cook in the crock pot. I hope it works, and  cobble together dinner with those, baked sweet potatoes, and whatever else I can find. 

I don't really know what I will buy, but despite buying about $45 worth of groceries last week, and the shelves and freezer seemingly full, I feel like we have nothing for actual meals. I'm not going to call April austere, but I really want to challenge myself to as frugal a month as possible on both the household and the grocery front. I'm going to tap into my stash of Target cards, some earned through offers (so free money) and some bought at the 10% off sale in December, for the household stuff this month. I haven't looked at the adds yet, but if I can't put together deals with Sunday coupons or earning gift cards, I'll buy the store brands as I find they are quite good quality. Meal Ideas, heavily reliant on the crock pot may include the following:

  • BBQ country ribs, mashed potatoes, and vegetables
  • Pulled pork sandwiches with salad and baked beans
  • Pasta primavera, homemade bread machine garlic bread
  • Easy cheater chicken noodle soup with precooked chicken and broth, frozen egg noodles and frozen vegetables, (throw it all in the crock pot on low before going to work), crackers
  • Tuna Tettrazini with steamed vegetables
  • Chicken breasts, rice pilaf, and steamed vegetables
  • Leftover night
This is what's in my head now. It could all change once I'm in the store. We need staples like fruit, cheeses, sandwich meat, cheese, and bread, canned soup, and more yogurt and cottage cheese. These items help supplement my usual leftovers for packed lunch, or for snacks for DH or DD2. You're all sick I'm sure about hearing  that I have no oven. While we are pretty sure it needs replacing, we just don't know what we should do about in the scheme of the whole kitchen needing an upgrade. It's been over six weeks now, and I don't want another month like March where we ate out to often and picked up too many ready meals. What's being served in your kitchen? 


  1. This post could have been written by me! I don't have a clue yet either! There is loads in my freezer/fridge/pantry still so I will try to magically whip some edible combinations together(haha!) and hope for the best.
    Hope your knee gets better soon! =)

    1. I've got something figured out-bought groceries anyway!

  2. If you aren't going to fix the oven just bite the bullet and buy a new one already! You are causing yourself more hassle by doing nothing about it. *This is my kicking you in the butt virtually* ;-)

    1. Yes, I know, I know. It isn't so simple though but we have an updated plan.

  3. Since you want to up grade the kitchen and can't right now, could you buy the stove you want and when money becomes available redo the kitchen?

    1. We will be doing a modified update-details to come.

  4. Get thee to a home improvement store! If it were me, I would upgrade my kitchen around my oven.

  5. I would bite the bullet and get and an oven. You have too much going on the do the whole kitchen but it's okay to start somewhere and plug along with it. Getting a working oven back will clear up a lot of space in your head. Trust me. I went months without one and it felt so good to get back to normal.

    1. I know-we just needed to do a deeper dive into several things financial. We have a plan now.

  6. Maybe buy the oven of your future kitchen then no matter what happens to your kitchen you have an awesome oven? Tough choices.

    1. It is tough, and that is why we have been slow and intentional. We have a plan though.

  7. I agree with you - get the oven and the rest can wait! And I know what you mean about cooking. My house has always been full of food (wartime seige mentality inherited from my mom) and I often don't know what to cook. That being said, I love "foreign" food so often whip out my cook books to find inspiration there, although we can't always get the ingredients here. I'm getting better at ferreting them out though. Failing that, hop over to Anne's blog (with a thesaurus in my case). I find her very inspiring!

    1. I've quite enjoyed pulling out the bread maker, which has been sitting on the shelf in the laundry room for some time. It hasn't been all misery not having my oven.


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