Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Getting On Board with Second Hand September

I already am challenging myself to not buy any clothing for myself other than necessary undergarments and sock replacements. I've done well s far. I learned about Second Hand September  from several UK bloggers, and decided it was a good pledge to add to my momentum. The pledge is for the month of September to not buy any new articles of clothing. While I am already doing so, making a formal commitment seemed like a positive boost. I'm trying not to buy any clothes, new or second hand until January. 

     I'm in the throws of helping my daughter decide what to keep, to pack, to donate or throw. A good activity for me next week is yet another look at my closet and shelf to see if I can do just a bit better-I still have that two bags purged goal hanging over my head from July. Besides the space savings, it will help me truly see what I already have and what I might be able to combo for a fresher early autumn wardrobe. Even in the last few weeks I've found ticked in the bottom of a stack of trousers and jeans, the pair of green boyfriend cut pants I bought second hand last summer. I've been pairing them with a slightly constructed black t-shirt (also bought second hand a year or more ago) and black flats. As September cools down, I can add a jean jacket, open button up shirt, or sweater. I don't know if I look good in this outfit combination, but I feel good-pulled together, but not suity. 

     I finally got around to look at ThreadUp and how one goes about selling. As I don't have a closet of high priced brands, I would most likely earn pennies on any items that sold, and most of what I would like to send in to resell probably would not make the cut. However, for those more fashion forward types, I think it is a really good concept if you regularly have nice items in your closet, but just need a refresh at times. I might shop on the site the next time I need something particular for an event or a trip. When I complete my challenge, I plan to start my shopping in thrift stores, and make it  a treasure hunt. 

     Clothing aside, I'm expanding Second Hand September to other areas of life. Because of  the oodles of money we have spent this summer, we really need a cold turkey attitude on buying anything. Other than food, gas, and home, health, and beauty consumables we need a make it last, make do, mend it, or do without mentality. September can jump start this right through to Thanksgiving.


  1. And we are still waiting for photos of your kitchen redo...*sluggy taps her foot impatiently and crosses her arms*. ;-)

    1. Yeah well, it isn't much-it's a new floor, new applicanes, and a little declutter-which it is in need of again before I take any pictures.

  2. Regarding reselling stuff, I made the decision to just donate it because it was taking up too much of my time and effort. Just this morning I got rid of TONS of fishing stuff belonging to my ex-husband. There was so much stuff and a very happy young neighbour walked away with it all. It might be something to bear in mind as you are one very busy lady and sometimes it really isn't worth the effort!

    1. Donating is what I normally do. Sometimes I think perhaps I could be making a little of my hard earned money back on the nice stuff. But again, it is nice to donate or give away the nice stuff isn't it to people who could use what I no longer can or do.

  3. Best of luck for Second hand September!

    1. I have no doubts I will get through the month without buying new clothing, but appreciate the boost.

  4. With the exception of soft furnishings, (ie: sofa, upholstered chairs, and mattresses), bed sheets, (only use white, 100% cotton, though I've found pillowcases in the second hand market) appliances and electronics, pretty much everything I buy for the home is second hand. As far as clothing, for myself, I only insist on new for undergarments and shoes--though I have purchased a couple of apparently-never-worn boots and sandals from second hand shops.
    My kids for the most part don't mind second hand items. One DS actually prefers second hand towels, as the ring spin on the newer ones just isn't the same.
    As far as purging--I simply donate. I feel that attempting to resell gives me an additional responsibility for the item I want to leave my home--and to me, purging is partially about freeing oneself from the responsibility of these items. I might casually ask around to people I know if somebody wants, say, my kids' Lincoln Logs, but that's the extent of it.
    Second hand scouting is actually fun.

    1. I'm finding the fun is in the treasure hunting-you never know what will be found. I'm as curious as anything about places like E-bay and ThreadUp.

  5. I enjoy second hand shopping, but sometimes buy things I don't need just because it is such a good buy. So I have to be careful.

    1. There is the risk of just taking over some one else's clutter, isn't there. I'm wearing ne to me $5.00 capris jeans that have been my go to this spring and summer so definitely a treasure for me. .

  6. I haven't bought anything this year except for a pair of slippers. I have a new sundress but, mom bought that for me. We now have matching sundresses. lol! I am not buying anything before I go to the US in October. Do not need a whole lot. Hoping to get good bargains during the holiday season.

    1. If shopping isn't a regular habit, and it is not for me, the challenge is pretty easy. What part of the US? October can be beautiful and mild, or/and days of the first cold in our part of the country.


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