Thursday, September 5, 2019

Thrifty Thursday-Not Much Here Edition

Just the two of us now spending money...or so we thought. Yes, even with kid three out of the house, new expenses have still popped up, but we will try to keep them at bay. DD2 thought her cell phone issue was resolved, but was having issues again, so that will need replacing. Disagree with me if you want, but a smart phone in 2019 for a college kid is essential with all the school links and resources that have to be accessed through apps. Dependability is key as well so upgrading hers is a bargain for my piece of mind. DH researched options and she can go to a store and swap out near her school. I'm definitely going to see the savings in our grocery budget. Either I'll make regular quantities and save in the freezer for future meals anything we don't eat. I've figured out sometimes it is easier and lighter on our waistline, to make just two portions with some extra fruit or something if DH is still hungry. 

  • Some gifted produce resulted in the salsa I made, plus a small red sauce for a pasta dish this weekend. Thanks readers for some of the recipes to try out.
  • DD1 and I used McDonald's coupons for a free coffee for her, and a free coffee with a breakfast sandwich for me. We went there rather than a pricey coffee house after our farmers market visit.
  • I had a concern about the contents of our latest Fab, Fit, Fun box Customer service was great and are sending out a missing item but letting us keep the item originally sent. 
  • Over the labor day weekend, DH and I splurged and saw a movie in the theater, a rare visit. Marcus Theaters had coupons on their web site for a free junior popcorn and pop per ticket. The movie, Hobbs and Shaw, um-wait for it to come out on Redbox or with a streaming subscription. Still, it was nice to get out of the house for the evening.
  • I used the park and ride and brought my own water to the state fair. My entrance was covered as I was working, but parking was not going to be reimbursed. I did have to sample a pronto pup and pulled pork nachos since with the time needed for travel, the shift, and planning for unforeseen time was gone for 10 hours. 
We shouldn't have too many unusual expenses this coming week. DH will pay the bulk of the bills today as he got paid. Since I had a three check month in August, my first check feels pretty late into the month, but it seems his check should cover most except for the Visa, which we pay later any way.  hope your week kept you in the positive. Please share any highlights in the comments 


  1. I was able to pay the 1611.00 American express bill (wedding stuff) but boy was it hard I so wanted to put that mney on the house.

    1. Your daughters wedding was absolutely beautiful-and if that is all you had on the card you are an impressive lady!

  2. I agree in today's world a mobile phone is pretty much essential. You can buy bus tickets with it, airline tickets, google maps etc. And good on you for taking the park and ride. I did it for 4 years going to work and it took so much stress out of crossing Geneva! Let someone else do the driving!

    1. If between my house and work was a better Park and ride or public transit system, I'd do for work at least 50% of the time on days I don't use my car. Technically, I could drive up the highway, park, take a bus down town, wait for another bus to get me to the hub in the suburb I work in north of St Paul, then take the circular. I estimated it would take me no less than 90 minutes-each way. Just not doable If I worked in either down town it would be the route to go as I'd save parking as well but our suburbs are not set up well for transit.


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