Monday, September 9, 2019

Where the H&G Budget Stands

I still have high hopes that September will be a low spend month in the Household and grocery area. Using up older pantry foods, buying only what we need, and not wasting is my strategy. I include everything we consume-food, paper products, health and beauty, and cleaning supplies in my total so I can get a better sense of what it costs to manage my household discretionary funds. While these are necessities, I can control to a small extent, how high I have to spend. For simplicity, I am tracking as a full week for September, making it a four week month. I also started early-August 30th before Labor Day weekend. Mu austere target is $300 for the month. I'm rounding to the nearest dollar at a store or transaction as I track. 

Week One: Aldi, Dollar Tree, and Farmers market for $58.

Week Two: $71
  • Aldi $12
  • Walmart: $44
  • Dollar Tree  $1
  • Cobornes $14 
I didn't need to get anything but milk, but ended up picking up take and bake pizza and snacks for the Thursday night football game for DH after I helped my cousin rather than risk him ordering an expensive take out. He has a huge sweet tooth and requested Reeses, so there was a big bag for $10, plus the dog leash for the deck. Neither were really household or grocery, but I needed some category to track spending. That's where I think I get in trouble with budget leaks. I spend on items that don't discreetly fit in a category, so I don't account for them at all. I feel like I have a bounty of groceries at my finger tips to make meals for the week. I have a $21 cushion tot he $75 per week average. DH has not been doing any rogue shops for a while, but I like to have those extras for if and when he does. I fear an spendy eating out month-already at $42 from Friday night and we have our college weekend, Veg Fest with DD1. plus the supper club family dinner. Best I really rein in the groceries. 

Meal options for the week and ideas not used last week, planned with some sort of vegetable include:
  • Chicken cordon bleu and rice
  • Meatballs and gravy over mashed potato's
  • Homemade chicken tenders, roasted potato wedges
  • Chicken, cheese, noodle hotdish
  • Tuna hotdish
  • Cheese ravioli in mushroom sauce
  • Fake it Panda Express chow mein with chicken and veg stir fry
  • Chili cheese enchilada bake with rice
We've had some cool days-Saturday didn't even reach 70. I looked ahead and we have some warm days ahead, so not pushing soup for meals for a bit  even though seeing the corn in the freezer is calling out Corn Chowder. I made some vegan banana bread-my own recipe inspired by several I saw online, and noticed I am about at the end of my sugar, so that will go on  the list.  I'll need to be more thoughtful about using up things this week. I have the produce from last weeks farmers market, 1/2 cabbage, three zucchini and  yellow squash that I cannot let go to waste, so the fake Panda stir fry is a high probability. And then there is still that darn ham! Most of these make good lunch leftovers. My desk drawer for emergencies is getting slim so I need to make sure I a packing a lunch all week and don't succumb to eating out or a walk tot he Target deli. 

If you track your household and grocer spending, how is your budget doing? Where do you track those odds and end type expenses?


  1. I put anything food related into either groceries or eating out, depending where it best fits. I also have a "house" category where I put odds & ends like saran wrap or postage. I have a toiletries category, plus a health category for medicine, etc

    1. I've gotten compact with my budget categories, but as I'm trying to reduce eating out, I separate eating out form H&G, and entertainment from eating out. We all define things in interesting ways.

  2. Can't really help you there. Just try to eat out of the pantry and freezer and only buy what we need or what is on a great sale.

    1. It seems I'm low budget shopping, but with just the two of us, hoping to still make a dent. This will require more leftover eating by DH-who yesterday, bought himself deli chicken instead of coming home and eating the pasta dish from Saturday.

  3. You are GOOD! I might try that some time...

    1. Did I mention voice lesson and the ensemble payment are now in the invoice box to pay?


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