Saturday, November 30, 2019

Simple Blessings on this Last Day of November

     November is hard month for me, but it also has it's lovely moments. As I anxiously wait for the last round of test results, I tried not to let it ruin my holiday, and live as much as I could in the moment. I know the statistics are in my favor that what I'm experiencing is treatable, or perhaps better yet, just  monitorable. I thought I'd make a list of the simple blessings and evidence of a life of abundance, even when I feel melancholy and not enough.
  • All three of my children greeted me on my birthday-even DS who rarely thinks about things like birthdays and Hallmark occasions. DD1 really treated me special with a night out, just the two of us.
  • I have sisters who are like friends. We are always there for each other. We started the  month with a sisters day and ended with the holiday and  bingo.
  • DS, though his store is keeping open on a wing and a prayer, has had another successful month, and we are going to be able to save a sizable  amount towards our future.
  • My family enjoys an abundance of healthy food, and while my choices are not always the best,  having access to and means to purchase quality and healthy food items is often taken for granted. On a holiday weekend that is too often about over eating and over indulging, having the luxury to make better food choices truly is a gift and I need to stop squandering it.
  • Four seasons really are a beautiful part of Minnesota living. While I wish the snowy yuck and melancholy gray would be short, there's no mistaking how beautiful the snowy winter wonderland is. Picture courtesy of DD1.
  • I live in a community that generally cares about its residents, old and new, in good times and in bad. The annual Thanksgiving run in 22 years has raised $1.2 million with 100% of the proceeds going to our local family service center which includes a food pantry, clothing and household item assistance, and emergency vouchers.
     There's so much more but as I think on November, these are the ones that are top of mind. I'm going to enjoy this last day of November with some cleaning, some decorating, some baking, and family time.  I hope your November gave you much joy.


  1. Love your list of blessings. We feel so lucky to have healthy kids, plenty to take care of our needs & be able to help others, and the flexibility to spend time with our families at the holidays.

    1. Thanksgiving days usually allows a little slowing down if we don't get sucked into the shopping frenzy.

  2. Replies
    1. I certainly am-but need to pause and remember it more often than I do.

  3. That is a beautiful picture. I was beside myself three or four years ago at this time of the year because I knew I had cancer but the gynecological oncologist kept me waiting from August to January doing tests. No one else but me was sure. I was right and yet it was only stage one. It was a stressful six months until the surgery and reports from operation. Yet, I was cleared immediately of any problem, just yearly monitoring. So, I am holding out much hope for you.

    1. We have to be our own advocates at times don't we. I'm glad you persisted. I have a hopeful outlook-I just want to know and move forward on next steps if needed.

  4. What a beautiful list of blessings, Sam. I'm sending good thoughts and prayers your way.

    1. Thanks, Belinda. As I wrote, odds are much more positive than not.

  5. Wonderful blessings Sam. I have just one sister but she has been my best friend since we were very young allies against the common enemy, Mom! Having sister friends is the best because they know the best and the worst parts of you and love/like you in spite of it.
    Sending prayers as I write this that your medical issue is mild and controllable

    1. With seven of them. we also were each others common enemy form time to time! But as you said. inspite of what we've all been through, we know each other pretty darn well.

  6. Sorry, I have been out of the loop for a bit. I had to go back a few posts to see what was up. I hope your tests show nothing serious. I know what that kind of worry feels like and the waiting is so hard. My thoughts are with you.

    1. Thanks, Lorraine. I appreciate all the positive energy.

  7. You are lucky, in my opinion, to have so many sisters. In a happy family they are the world's best friends (and occasional worst enemies too - I mean, who else, truthfully, would tell you if your bum looks big in this)!


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