Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Needs Vs Wants 2020

A quick update on DH. He is feeling a bit stronger this week. I think it helped that he had full days between working days to take it easy. He went back to the doctor on Monday. His blood pressure is still higher than they liked, so added a new twice a day medication. He had new blood draws and another x-ray to see if the fluid around his lungs is gone-not quite. He worked almost a full day around the appointment, and yesterday  the store closed early, and now he has both today and tomorrow off. We were supposed to go to my sisters last night for prime rib and festivities, but her  recent college grad son who is back with them for the  time being just got diagnosed with Influenza B and is in the contagious stage. No way were either of us going to intentionally expose ourselves, even if he stayed in the lower level of their house, even with her double cleaning, and even with both of us having flu shots. We had a quiet night instead, though I played taxi for the youngest as she had a party in a part of the cities she doesn't know well, and I was not letting her drive in unfamiliar roads on NYE.

2020, a new year and new decade. We knew after spending a huge amount of money on our two week vacation in August 2018 to three countries in Europe, we needed to considerably scale down our wish list in 2019 and prioritize needs over wants. A year ago on New Years Eve I created the list below. Except for the speed boat, which DH again did not buy, we managed a fair number of our wants as well. While all home repairs did not happen, we replaced flooring and upgraded appliances. 

Basic clothing items replaced as worn out-for all three of us
Warm college campus coat for DD2
Replace front door
Road Trip to move DD2 into college
Proportionate cost of gas for family pontoon at the lake

All home repairs and improvement beyond the font door
Road trip for DD2 Show Choir
Family weekends to visit DD2
Family birthday gifts and celebrations
DD2 Grad party, airfare for DS to come home for party
Speed boat (used) with required accessories 

There are so many things to go on either list for 2020. But with DH's precarious work situation, his health, and trying to keep on top of college expenses and build more of a cash nest egg, we need to be conservative again. I will say, I do not regret a penny we spent on the trip. Maybe DH will keep getting stronger, but no one knows how long our health will last. To put things off always to some day is tempting chance. With that, here is the Needs and Wants for 2020.

Basic clothing items replaced as worn out-for two of us, college kid is on her own except for gifts
Storm door with screen for front door (this will help with air and heat costs)
Road Trip to get DD2 moved back home and then back to school in fall
Proportionate cost of gas for family pontoon at the lake

Fix flame unit on fireplace
Tear down deck, and do patio slab
Patio set
Update fire pit
Family weekends to visit DD2
Family birthday gifts and celebrations
DH's moms 80th birthday-we'll need to do something for that
Speed boat (used) with required accessories-keeping on this list as DH does have funds set aside
Las Vegas Trip-we are only committed as far as having bought the concert tickets
Remnant carpet for office

That want list keeps getting pretty long. There were years when my mind would have classified so many as needs.I have a nice new 2020 date book. A lot of my 2020 happiness should come from doing and not buying, but there will be some expenses that come our way as well. I think today I'll spend a little time figuring out where to put some of my  mind, muscle, and spending power. 


  1. Fluid around lungs? To me, this says pleurisy which I mentioned before. Is this what he has had? In past years, I have had pleurisy and it is brutal. However, I have not had pleurisy in over 30 years. I learned to never go near a business with a kerosene heater.

    1. It's not pleurisy. It's related to but not causal to his blood pressure being high. He's getting a bit stronger. Thank you for your concern.

  2. It's good to make plans but even better to distinguish between wants and needs isn't it. First priority has to be your health but if that holds, hopefully your plans will come to fruition.

    1. His doctor actually called him yesterday-on New Year's Day, and I was happy about that. One pill is discontinued, but he showed sings of pre-diabetes. so much is sounding like his dad's history, even though we were told it is not a hereditary or genetic disposition.

  3. So happy your husband is feeling better. I was worried for you and him.

    1. He's still not great and has today off as well. It's been two days working (though coming home a bit early) and then he's had at least a day, and sometimes two between. Next week will be the test when there is no holiday's to add a day in between.

  4. I hope 2020 is a better more peaceful year for you and yours.


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