Monday, April 5, 2021

Feeling Good Monday-Spring Motivation

      Well, I’ve definitely ebbed and flowed with my 2021 health and wellness plan. Still no working scale, so not sure if I’ve lost, gained, or stayed the same. Nothing dramatic in pictures since February 1 when I posted my starting place. I feel a bit less weighty, if that makes sense. All my clothes fit (the ones I wear) and my favorite jeans after a day or two if wear almost slide off. I think that’s just the fabric response, but good motivation even if not real. I truly have no excuses to not fit in extra walks. The dog needs them, I need them. My daughter has a lot of good equipment that I can  borrow a ther house to add more strength with the extra walking. She and I are thinking of sharing a CSA for produce. She did a misfit produce box, and made good use, but was too big and she gave us lettuce and celery. More fresh foods and produce, plus walking seems like a natural spring fitness boost. My son, when we spoke (See below), was encouraging me to do more planks, for arm, abdominal, and leg strength, but not hard on my joints. He's my "hippy yoga guru" as DD2 when she was little,  used to refer to people that practiced yoga. 

     Now that it’s truly spring, don’t say the “S” word,I’m noticing how listless my skin appears coming out of winter. I won’t even say anything about the neck. I hate the smell of self tanners, most anyway, but have recently learned through YouTube that ones exist that are nice smelling and light, and just give a kiss of sun, rather than the flaky orange look. Research is needed, and happy to take recommendations. It must work well with SPF as I swear by sun protection. Judging from the wrinkles starting, perhaps I should have swore harder. 

     DD2 heads back to school after lunch. I’ll be sad to see her pull out of the driveway but she’ll be home in four weeks. I helped her with heaps of life admin last night and later we had a long call with DS in California. He had spent the day hiking with friends and let us know once home. He was pleased DH and I got first doses. His take was that once the J and J version is readily available, tv and film studios will hold massive vaccination events and get productions that have been delayed rolling fast. I hope so. The little work he has is keeping him mentally ok, but he thrives when busy. All my kids do. 

     I’ll sprinkle recaps of staycation week in the rest of my posts but nothing exciting. That’s fine with me. I had time with my kids, in person and phone, and that recharged. It’s already 70 at 9:59 a.m. and you can’t get better than a cup of coffee, a dog, and April sunshine in the morning.


  1. I think your skin looks just fine. When you're very fair skinned it's almost too much like hard work trying to get a glow isn't it. I go from white, to red, and back to white again so I gave up. And when I signed up at the gym 10 trillion years ago he had doing planks as one of my exercises (which I did at home out of pure embarrassment). It was going ok (well, by my standards) but heck they're a lot harder than you think. I think there's a Youtube video out there of the wonderful Ernestine Shepherd doing a plank on TV in her 80s (she'll be 85 in June, I think) so if you take a look at her you'll see it's definitely something that has to be worked up to!

    1. I think I'll be treating myself though to a really good exfoliator, deep lotion, and a good lipstick and mascara. I do recall seeing planking phenom! I'd like half her strength.

  2. Self tanners are my jam! I love the b. tan brand. It’s a foam and has great coverage. I also highly recommended getting the mitt for even application. It does kinda smell like soy sauce lol but once you rinse off the smell doesn’t linger. And it lasts awhile but of course it also depends on how much you swim. Pro tip for reaching the middle of your back-stick the mitt on your hair brush or anything with a handle. Shave the day before to avoid open pores, exfoliate and lightly moisturize before application. I do prefer a tinted moisturizer on my face since I have very combination skin with dry patches. I did keto for most of the month with permission to enjoy Good Friday and the Easter weekend but I’m back to it starting today. I lost some weight and overall my body has changed for the better and without my typical carb overload I’ve had way more energy. My goal is to be a smaller pant size when it comes time to start wearing capris and shorts, I’m okay with having to buy new stuff for a new season. I definitely need a new swimsuit and I would love to get at least one casual, comfy dress. I miss dresses! I touched up my roots this morning and might schedule a pedicure for this week if they have any openings. I have a gc from my birthday that I would like to use. JoAnn

    1. I'll check that one out-I do not want deep color, just sun kissed wihtout the rays. I do need to cut back on carbs, but so hard, because CARBS!!!

  3. Funny--I am somewhat fair, taking after my mother, but my father had, and two of my siblings have very dark complexions. (To give you an idea, his 1945 WWII draft card has his complexion listed as "dark.") I was what my brothers called "tanorexic," in the summer, and did tan beautifully, but man oh man, do I regret it now! "Pasty and Proud" is my new motto, particularly after seeing my husband have literal chunks of his skin removed. In any case, you look beautiful. I've told you, I don't use a scale, so I understand perfectly what you mean by feeling "less weighty." As for me, I'm feeling stodgy after yesterday's meal. Hopefully a two-mile walk will help. I understand fully what a challenge the winter weather is to your health in your region. I even find it a bit daunting here in the PNW. Hot and humid doesn't bother me in the least. It's my favorite running weather. Cold, though, even worse, cold and dry? Nope, nopity nope. Spring is coming, though!

    1. I'm very Scandinavian colored, so very fair. I can tan if I took in daily sun, but would take weeks to avoid a burn and get the color I'd like. I tried to eat more fruit and veg yesterday to make up for Sunday.

  4. Like Treaders, it's hard for me to achieve any healthy color, so I embrace the pale. Self tanners do not work for me - I'm truly, truly pale & they do not match well with my pigmentation & it always looks fake & orange, and in my 20s & 30s, I tried a lot of options. I do wear a lot of sunblock, but a medicine I took for lupus made me photosensitive, so I have a lot of sun damage, despite all of my precautions. I've also had multiple moles removed, which is no fun at all.

    So glad you got to have a visit with your daughter & a long chat with your son!

    1. Th early tanners were so bad and orange. I hate the smell of most as well. I'd rather be pale than get a nasty burn.

  5. I'm glad you are feeling less weighty. That's even more important than what the scale says. I won't keep a scale at home, I'd be checking constantly. I try to only check when I go to the grocery store and half the time I forget. Sorry DD2 is heading back already, but four weeks isn't too bad. :)

    1. My daughter has a lot to cram in a very short amount of time, so she will likley not even think about home!

  6. You look fantastic, Sam! Well done on keeping up with your walks and veggie-eating! I don't own a scale, but have always gone by how my clothes fit. I used to measure my hips-waist-bust but my proportions are screwy since menopause hit. My skin is getting really crepey around my neck - I hate it, but I also feel...whatever, it's just skin. I stay out of the sun at all times (I wear SPF every day, even in winter), so no self-tanner tips, sorry!

    Have a great week!

    1. You're so nice! The moving body parts is a real concern. The arm jiggle is not my scene either! Yeah, the crepey skin is part of the blessings of still being here on earth birthday after birthday. I shouldn't worry, but I do.

  7. I tan in about twenty minutes. Seriously! My mother said a 20 minute walk left me tan and my siblings red. I sunbathed until I was 35 and realized my father's siblings were dying from skin cancer that went to brain and elsewhere. I have sunscreen and finally found one I will use, a stick, where I don't have to get it on my hands. Now, I have age spots from the sun. I hate that!

    I have never had to use a self-tanner. I just try to stay pale and use foundation to make my skin look better.

    1. My husband is very tan as well-almost year round since he is outside so much. I still will stick to my sun screen as I worry about skin cancer.

  8. Less weighty is a complete and total description.
    I have a love hate relationship with self tanners. I am seriously pale so I need it for summer color but the smell!

    1. I am hoping someone has a great smell free version. I'll give JoAnn's recommendation a try. I'm glad less weighty made sense. I'm still week and untoned, but that's part of the ongoing goal.

  9. You look great and your skin is lovely.
    When I was an employee I loved my fake tan. Now I can just go outside and get a suntan on sunny days (with plenty of factor 30) although I'm missing the 5 week India trip, I'm usually mistaken for a Punjabi girl when I get back home! xxx


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