Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Positively Tuesday Staycation Recaps

      As part of my staycation recap, but also building on my positively Tuesday Simple Pleasures, I'll give a little  look at one of our day trips.  St Paul has a wonderful  conservatory, linked to the Como Park Zoo. DD2 and I were able to get reservations last Friday for a self guided one way, no backtracking tour. I can't even recall the last time I was in the conservator part and the greenery and flowers were stunning. I didn't really take any pictures of the animals-most were sleeping and getting bored with people. 

Imagine a pineapple growing in Minnesota! 

Pretty cool that these ferns have been identified
as back to the Jurassic age.

Loads of wedding, engagement,prom and graduation
photos are taken here. In fact, I guess small wedding
 ceremonies can be done. Saves a lot on flowers! 

Just more lush greenery around a fountain.

Up close-so pretty.

and mor eup close.

The outside of the conservatory.

This was not a bonsai, but I don't recall the name
-located right before heading outside to the Japanese Garden.

A shot of the Japanese Garden, a gift to St Paul. 

One more inside.

     It took roughly 90 minutes for us to do the walking tour of both. While there I got a text that something urgent was going to need my attention, but I pushed it off for a few hours. We stopped on the wa home for lunch at one of our favorite places, Cosetta's, and Italian deli, market, and bakery. There is an upscale restaurant on the premises as well,  just a few streets off downtown St Paul. With food to take home, including fresh cannoli, it made for a really nice time with my daughter. If you find yourself in St Paul, know reservation will be needed, but worth the time to book for part of a day. We'll travel again, but getting a little jump start on spring was an excellent simple pleasure. 


  1. Looks like a great afternoon!

    1. It's a very nice resource pretty close to home.

  2. The Italian deli sounds fantastic! So happy you got a chance to relax & enjoy with your daughter

    1. I think it is moderately authentic-as much as it can be for a very Scandinavian community.

  3. I just heard a podcast on the topic / history of the pineapple. A symbol of status and hospitality.

    1. Well, the conservatory was very welcoming!

  4. The gardens are gorgeous. As soon as the pollen season drops off to a little lower level I need to go to some of the gardens around here. And I need to work in my own garden, but I really do not like gardening except for the harvesting part.
    I know traveling will happen again but I am not ready just yet. My beloved sister and I are going to Trader Joe's today and that is my big "trip". It is amazing how easily thrilled I have become by what used to be ordinary.

    1. It wasn't bad that way-I didn't even need to take an antihistamine. We are doing TJ's on Saturday to celebrate first vaccines.

  5. How lovely - it looks a bit like Crystal Palace in London! Geneva's botanical gardens were just opposite where I worked and it was such a pleasure to wander round them at lunchtime. There's really so much on your own doorstep when you get to seeking it out isn't there!

    1. There are so many things I didn't know existing in the world prior to trips, and now I am so looking forward to traveling again and seeing spots folks say things remind them of in places I want to visit again.

  6. Pretty place. Seems like it would be a nice relaxing place to work.

    1. Most people seemed to be volunteers, but it was relaxing and beautiful.

  7. What a beautiful place! And nothing is better than fresh cannolis! Yum!

    1. And we watched them fill them with fresh cream! so good.

  8. Hello Sam, The computer just ate several comments for this. I was admiring the conservatory, and adding it to my list of interesting things for when I find myself in your area.

    1. If you ever do come, give me a hail and I'll give you a list. The state parks in Minnesota are second to none, in my humble opinion, especially along the 61 Northern drive. lots of waterfalls.

  9. That looks like a wonderful place for a wander! I'd love a conservatory like that one. x

    1. Since I'm a lousy gardener, I really appreciate places like this.

  10. When we lived in the suburbs, we used to go to the Conservatory quite often. I love the bonsai section just off from the main building but also enjoy the entire experience. Going there now, after moving further north, it will indeed be a special occasion. Thanks for the walk down memory lane. Ranee (MN)

    1. It's been a very long time since I was there. When I had an office off Lexington and University, I would sometimes take my lunch to the park to get away form the office.

  11. Looks so pretty! I love a nice cannoli ;) JoAnn

    1. I can't even imagine the calories. Like having the richest cream with the richest cookies!

  12. What a gorgeous place to visit, I'm hoping to see a garden or two myself this year. A self guided tour seems idea, as do cannoli!


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