Saturday, April 23, 2022

Saturday Schmatterings


     Since I've left the touchy subject of weight loss behind on my log, I'm back to the oh so fetching title, Saturday Schmatterings. I guess I'll call it sort of life update. I really have appreciated those of you that have posted lighter  posts and keeping things on the positive. I had a post typed, but decided it was too much of a crabby vibe and there's enough of that, so started over. No the payroll issue isn't resolved and my daughter's are both in limbo on job opportunities, but things will work out. 

Treats- I treated myself to some of the popcorn, expensive popcorn, that came a few weeks ago for a virtual meeting. The meeting organizer's are known for pushing us hard and treating us well at meals and snacks. I guess they did the mailed treats to compensate for no in real life meeting. This was caramel and almonds and it was so good. I brushed my teeth twice though to make sure no husks or sugar was left behind. It has to be on the dentists most hated snacks list. When we go downtown later, the brewery doesn't do food other than pretzels, crackers, and meat and cheese trays. Nibbles to go with beer, but you can order in from anywhere. It's going to be a full house I suspect so we'll eat at home. I'll likely get a hard seltzer, but DH will probably get the all natural soda they sell. It's locally small batch made and a treat for him.

Kids Outside- I think the young moms on the Cul de sac are more tired of the bad weather than I am. In between bouts of wind and rain, I could hear kids outside. Better to deal with dirty boots and wet jackets than kids bouncing off walls. Today, despite how early it is, there's playing already going on. Kids playing, running, biking, and all the noise that goes with it is music to my ears. That kid that just screams and cries can stay inside though. Just Kidding. Man he has a set of lungs! Even he wouldn't bother me if the dad wouldn't just yell at him from the window or doorway. No screaming yet so far today.

      I get a kick out of the little guy at the end of the street. He maybe is four. In 2020 when everyone was home 24/7 and those opportunities outside were key, he was still scooting on his pedal less bike. Now, he's off without even training wheels! His parents are very nice and friendly and so seem the new young family across from them. They sort of act as gate keepers at the end of the Cul de sac, monitoring traffic, and the race course of bikes, scooters, and roller blades. Pup sure gets his Hi's and smiles when the kids are out. 

Disapperances- On my list of course is sweep and mop the floors. It's supposed to be nice so I can have windows open so I'll use Pine sol, which is too thick smelling for my nose, but I think cleans well. No coming at me that I should just use vinegar or other cleaners. It made me think though about the moo bucket that disappeared from my daughter's porch. She had been cleaning and set it outside and in the morning, it was gone! Who takes a mop bucket? I'm missing my kitchen sink drain plug. It just disappeared a couple weeks ago. I've been using a tub inside the sink for hand washing. I suspect it got thrown in the garbage by accident, but how, who knows. I'll get one today if I think about it. I don't know if she replaced the bucket. How long do you wait before replacing items that have disappeared?

     That's enough yammering. I'm lingering and haven't even started coffee. The popcorn gave me a little morning tummy issue; that'll teach me said the dentist! DH sounds/ smells like he is making himself a breakfast burrito. We're out of so many things- fruit, yogurt, juice, so I'll need to shop, but not a true restock. Pup needs food, both dry and wet. I've got a good list to get done, but then treating myself to human contact tonight. I hope you're enjoying a well deserved perfect spring (or fall) day.


  1. What a strange thing to steal! I'm trying to wake up (it's early here) & will then do a quick workout before I head to Sam's soccer game. My mom & I will walk during warmups. Otherwise, we're taking Sam to meet up with a friend, & all going out to dinner.

    1. Isn't the bucket disappearance weird? I hope you enjoyed your walk and dinner out.

  2. I am like you and nothing makes me happier than to hear kid sounds while playing outdoors. We have a few new neighbors with young kids and I will be so happy to get to know them a little better. I have a great "learn to ride your bike" driveway and welcome kids to use it.

    1. As my kids are now grown it’s fun to have neighbor kids around. I live on a River, kind of a peninsula in a housing development. Several years ago a whole set of neighbor boys turned a certain age and several had asked if they could fish along my riverbank (oh course I said yes). I’d laugh because there would be times I had bikes, mini bikes and even a few riding lawnmowers in front of my house as their mode of transportation ha! Well they’ve pretty much grown and got their drivers license and don’t fish much more. It takes a village for children

    2. We seem to be in the third round of kids filling the neighborhood. Of course our oldest when we moved in, then our youngest was part of the next wave, now this one. There's only bus and the neighbors across the street that are the same from 31 years ago, though there's a couple 20+ households. I suspect this crew will move on and out in 10-12 years too.

  3. The temperature up here is already 64 and had a small thunder storm roll through around 9:00, which was much needed. The brewery you speak of reminds me of one that we went to with friends and us gals stopped in at a small cafe? can't really remember what it was exactly, but they had the best fish and chips, which went very well with the beer. I'm not a big beer drinker, but it was a nice experience as they also offered a sample board/tray that held maybe 5 short glasses of different types of beers of your choosing. That way I was able to choose one that was not too hoppy. Not a big fan of beer heavy with hops. I think this brewery was in the St Paul area, but not absolutely positive. I get the kid thing as we have a day care across the street from our house. Many of the houses sit a fair distance back from the street, (their house and our house both do)so you don't hear a lot of kids yelling and screaming, unless the winds from the West, and boy does it carry then. Ha. But it's mostly just kids being kids and they all seem to get along very well. Living in a smaller town, you really notice the change in traffic, just when it's a rainy day. If it's nice out, there is a lot more traffic and more people out just walking or walking their dogs. The kids, on the other hand, do not let a little rain stop them from their plans. Enjoy your night out. Ranee

    1. It was warm but volatile yesterday. So windy and we had three rounds of storm/ hard rain. It's just one little guy that is crying and screaming more than not, but I might just tune into him

  4. It's rainy and cool here this morning - a dismal day indeed. There aren't many children on our crescent, most are teenagers now or young adults. I haven't heard the thump of basketballs for some time now. We do have one family that moved in a couple of years ago with two young girls but they're generally pretty quiet.

    Enjoy your time at the event this afternoon.

  5. I used to love Pine Sol, until they changed the fragrance. You can buy the original scent on the website, online only, but it's expensive. I use Dr. Bronner's Sal's Suds now. I love to clean with vinegar, but I cannot use it on my countertops, or my current floors (acacia.) I chose oak for our current build for that very reason.
    DH not moving well, so the weekend has taken a lousy turn, for all our temperatures have warmed up. So, I will stay indoors as much as possible. It looks like some heavy cleaning here too, in that case!

    1. I don't use anything but Murphy's or just damp mop the wood floors(oak).I ended up outside more than I thought yesterday.

  6. I've always liked the sounds of kids playing/laughing too. When I worked in central Geneva there was a playground outside my window and I loved listening to the laughter. BUT there was an older woman who used to yell at them to shut up. Damn it lady, it was early afternoon and kids will be kids (or at least I hope so)!

    1. I'd never, even with screaming kid, tell them to be quiet. She sounds like an ogre!

  7. Who in the world would steal a mop bucket?? Crazy.
    It's 80 again today, sunny and gorgeous. We've been gone most of the day so just now starting on a few things around the house.
    I hope you have a great time tonight Sam!!

    1. So odd. It's not like it could have blown away, and her porch is back a bit from road.

  8. I miss the sounds of kids playing outside. When we moved here there were lots of young families but none now.

    1. We're in a young family cycle in the Cul de sac. It'll change again I'm sure.

  9. What a lovely positive post, and I too love the sound of children playing, reminds me of those perfect summer days when my own children played outside. Loved when they were little.

    1. It is a nice sound. I like when there's ball games in the park too.

  10. I hope you had a fab night out!
    I'm trying to sit in the sunshine but it keeps clouding over and going chilly but anything to escape Jon watching Star Trek! xxx

    1. We woke up to cold and wet, but I'm about to go out with the dog. Fresh air is still fresh air even if cold. Hubs has motar cross on.

  11. Do families with young ones still have what we called a 'mud room"? We had to practically disrobe before allowed coming out of the room into the house.

    1. If not a mud room, a foyer space through the the garage.


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